Spring Cleaning 101

Spring Cleaning 101

Whether you are getting ready to list your home or just doing an annual deep clean, now is the best time to get started! When you have a day that is beautiful enough to leave the windows open, check out our list of tips to make spring cleaning a breeze!

Make A Plan

Rather than just starting wherever seems to need the most attention, create a plan with a list! Full-home deep cleaning can seem overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to start or where to end. Sitting down and establishing a logical step-by-step plan for each room of your home will allow you to feel organized and motivated to check off each list item!

Get Your Supplies

Some supplies for spring cleaning might be found under your kitchen counter, while others may be something you only purchase when necessary. Make sure you have enough cleaning supplies to cover your home!

Work Smart, Not Hard

Don’t work harder than you need to. If an item can be soaked, or there is a self-cleaning tool (like your oven) - do that!

Clear Out Clutter

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to do just that - clean house! If there are items that you find you haven’t used over the last year, toss them into the donate or trash pile. This way, your home will feel clean in more ways than one!

Take Notes

If you will be staying in your home for a while, taking notes of the most efficient ways to clean certain parts of your home can save you and your family time in the future.

Have Fun!

Take this time to enjoy a new season arriving. Open those windows, play your favorite music, and dance along while you get your clean on!

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